"If my dog's not invited, I'm not coming"
-Dog people everywhere
We hate to break it to you, but the dog park isn’t the best way to socialize or exercise your pup. Dog parks can leave your pup overstimulated and can lead to them picking up bad behaviors that can undo all of your hard-earned training. Train Lucky and meet us at our social events instead.
Our Dog Social Club is a great opportunity to socialize in a safe and rewarding way. As a member, you and your pup will be invited on adventures with other training graduates. Get excited for group hikes, sporting events, beach trips, brewery visits, and more!
Lucky Pup Social Club gives you the chance to reap all the benefits of your hard work. By exploring various environments with the guidance of your trainer, you can reinforce all of the skills you’ve learned around distractions like loud noises, furry friends, other humans, and new smells.
Want to join in on the fun? Your first step is to Train Lucky.

Gain the Confidence to Take Your Dog Anywhere
Proper socialization is about positively exposing your dog to new locations, animals, scents, and distractions. This is the key to having a predictable, confident, and well-behaved dog in any situation. Lucky Pup Social gives you the opportunity to face and overcome any obstacle that you’ll experience when out and about with your dog. With your trainer and new friends by your side, you won’t think twice about having your pup alongside you anywhere again!
Get Social
Here’s what you can expect when you join Lucky Pup and Co.
Group Outtings so you and your dog can be social

Group outings allow you and your pup to practice your training with plenty of distractions. You both can relax and have fun while engaging in proper socialization with trusted dogs and people who respect your hard work.
Adventures with people who train their dogs like you do

Want to go to the beach with your dog AND your friends? In the Social Club you’ll hang with people who value the Lucky Pup lifestyle and would love to go on a local hike, sit at your favorite coffee shop or watch a live band plan with your pups by your side.
We all want a dog that we can bring to the cookout, out to dinner, over to a friends house, and everywhere in between. The thought of this is great, but more often than not there’s a lot that goes into those “perfect” dogs. The Lucky Pup life is for every dog and owner relationship- it just takes a touch of hard-work, a pinch of dedication, and an open mind.
Proper socialization is the start of a beautiful life lived alongside your pup. Because of this, upon founding Lucky Pup and Co. I made sure a key component was varied group activities that would truly prepare people and pups for real life experiences. Through group you’ll learn the ins and outs of advanced obedience in high distraction environments, how to properly socialize your dog, and you’ll gain confidence in your skills while continuing your dog training journey and making friends along the way.
Every Pup that goes through one of our programs will begin getting “the invite” once they are able to maintain a loose leash walk as well as sit and down in high distraction, invites typically begin half-way through your program.
Can’t wait for you to join us and get social!
Allaire Burke, Founder of Lucky Pup